Saturday, June 25, 2011

Belly crawl

Aida's all about the belly crawl these days. She uses her toes to propel her body while she directs herself with her arms. I finally gave the floors a good scrubbing this week and started giving her full access to the wooden planks rather than padding her with blankets. She seems to like it. She really appears happy to be on the move. Like she's been crawling in her mind for months and ... finally. Finally! The only time she struggles lately is when we put her in the crib. Seems the bed we once marveled over for its size has gotten too small to contain her. Every once in a while she wakes up, wobbling on all fours or backed up against the railing. Poor darlin.

Here's us playing in her room yesterday morning. She really, really, really wanted my camera strap.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Learning to crawl

Last night was one of those nights that experienced parents warn you about when you're seven months pregnant and filled with bliss over your impending arrival.

Oh, the spirit-crushing words of advice that serve no purpose other than to burst your joy: "Get your sleep while you can!" "Enjoy life now!" "You know your life is about to change, right?"

I think I speak for all expectant mothers when I say, "I get it. Yes. Now leave me alone while I hormonally obsess over what fabric to use for the nursery curtains."

So, anyway, last night: I got no sleep as Aida got no sleep and, come morning, chose to stay home from work in an effort to make up for it.

Sadly, sweet Aida's day was not a whole lot better than her night.

But there was one big highlight. Because I was home, I got to witness this:

With any luck, we will both sleep more peacefully tonight.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A lost month in blogland

It's been a month since I last published something substantial in this space. I know this because Aida is seven months old today.

Seven. Months. Old.

That's more than half-a-year. Five months away from her one-year birthday. Two months less than the length of time I carried her.

Because I've fallen prey to the "My life's too busy/I'm too tired/I'm enjoying living more than I'm enjoying writing about living" excuses, I will attempt now to capture all the things that happened in Aida World in the last month. Then, I will augment this with more gratuitous photos of the girl herself.

Thursday, June 9, 2011