Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Like I knew you would

We dragged our girl to New Orleans for four nights this past weekend so that I could attend my 20th high school class reunion and squeeze in some time with the extended family I too rarely see. Everything went pretty well. We rented a little apartment in Bayou St. John so that Aida could get her zzzs in private and also so that she could cry out at night without waking up any hotel guests. She was a trooper as we visited family, friends, and even my old high school. When we got back last night, we found she was running a temperature of 101.4. Too much fun, I guess. While she recovers, I'd like to revisit this little moment, captured at my dad and stepmom's house in Ponchatoula on Sunday. It's the kind of moment that makes you realize what you're missing when you're not near enough to the people who share your blood, changed your diapers, celebrated your birth, sang to you on your 1st birthday, showed up at your graduation, welcomed your new husband and, now, love your baby. (Apologies for singing the wrong lyric again and again.)