Sunday, October 23, 2011

Of new teeth, dogs, walking, baths and more...

A few random happenings from our weekend...

1) After much literal gnashing of teeth (and of flesh -- you should see the bite marks Aida left on Steve
Steve's shoulder during one of her more passionate teething sessions) Aida's eighth tooth poked through on Friday. Bottom right. We were wondering when this would happen. After Tooth No. 1 arrived in April when Aida was about five months old, six more followed in pretty rapid succession. Then, nothing. I feel like it's been almost two months since the last one came in. I mean, I'll have to check the dental records to be sure, but...

2) I had to catch my breath three separate times today when I witnessed Aida step away from the furniture and take one step unassisted. Each time, her second step ended with her hand grabbing something for support. But I feel like our little girl is very close to toddling. And, oh man. I just don't even know what to say.

3) With Steve out of town this amazing, gorgeous, incredible weekend, Aida and I took a long stroll down to what I call "the second playground" by the Bay. It has a real name, but I just call it "the second playground." Along the way, every time we passed a dog, Aida would lift her hand (sometimes with a little finger pointed) and blubber something excitedly. (Yes, that's right, Steve. That means the vote is 2 for a dog, 1 against. And our side is cuter.)

4) Out of concern that my child will never actually sit down and have fun in her bath again, I did a little reading online and elsewhere this weekend about how to help your baby feel secure enough to actually take a seat instead of clinging to the side for dear life as mine has decided to do. One of the suggestions was to get in the bath WITH your child. Tonight, as I prepared to put Aida in the tub, it was clear she was a bit more tired and more nervous than usual about the water. She held to the side of the tub and started to cry. Without much thought, I stood up, stripped down to my tanktop and undies and climbed in with her. If Aida was surprised, she played it pretty cool. She sat in my lap and played with her toys. She smiled a little and laughed some. Then, she stood up again and walked around the tub again. But instead of holding on to the side, she held on to me.

5) Aida got her first-ever pair of real shoes this week. By real, I mean, with soles designed for honest-to-God walking. They're brown StrideRites with little hearts on them made with pink, metallic thread. They fascinate her. Before she tromped through two sandy playgrounds two days in a row (while holding my hands), I was able to use them to distract her during diaper changes. Oooh, Aida! Look at your shoes! And with that, she'd gladly lie on her back. Here's a picture of her checking out her new shoes during our stroll today... Hello, shoes. 

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