Sunday, June 12, 2011

A lost month in blogland

It's been a month since I last published something substantial in this space. I know this because Aida is seven months old today.

Seven. Months. Old.

That's more than half-a-year. Five months away from her one-year birthday. Two months less than the length of time I carried her.

Because I've fallen prey to the "My life's too busy/I'm too tired/I'm enjoying living more than I'm enjoying writing about living" excuses, I will attempt now to capture all the things that happened in Aida World in the last month. Then, I will augment this with more gratuitous photos of the girl herself.

• Game changer: We got a jogging stroller and started jogging together. Aida loves it. And I feel like a new person. She's a surprisingly terrific jogging companion. (More on that in a later post.)

• Nail biter: Left Aida with a sweet woman named Norma for three days over three weeks starting May 18 while my mom was out of town. This marked the first all-day babysitting experience by a non-family member. Aida seemed to love it and Norma asked for her picture before she departed the last time, so I guess the feeling was mutual.

•  Jumperooooo!: We got one! Aida is a jumping fool.

• Aching gums: Aida now has TWO, count em, TWO teeth! Ah-hahahaha! The second one was on its way up right next to the first in her lower front gum before Norma came. But it poked through in earnest on May 20 or May 21. Aida was quick to cry the first time Norma cared for her and Norma totally called it.

• "Take me with you!": The girl is getting more and more portable and able to appreciate new experiences. Besides our jogs, she's survived regular jaunts to the Publix (I've even gotten her to fetch the cereal while I wait in line at the deli counter), one to the public pool, another to the Saturday Morning Market and a four-flight round-trip to Ohio. We're also getting a little more brave about bringing her to restaurants. Today she got to sit in one of those restaurant high chairs for the first time, looking all cool. I still have to keep an eye on the clock, though. Every now and then I push it too long and one of our jogs ends with me carrying her in my arms and pushing the empty stroller home.

• Pick a color, any color: More people are claiming that Aida's hair has red highlights, could be red, etc. I'm still on the fence about this. Her hair is definitely filling in -- especially since she rubbed a bunch of it off when she was learning how to roll over. But I don't know if it's light brown like Steve's or if she's taking after the Rafferty red-heads on my mom's side. For her part, Aida's started reaching up with her chubby hand and grabbing strands of her own hair. Like she just discovered she has that stuff too.

• Daddy is cool: Suddenly, Steve is The Man for Aida. She could have cared less about him for the first few months of her life because, you know, he doesn't have boobs. But these days, she sees him and smiles this big ole smile. Sometimes just the sight of him makes her chuckle. There's that guy, huh-huh! That guy with the hair and the funny noises. Huh-huh! There he is! Eeeee! Yep, seven months in and he's already The Fun One.

• Money sense: She's really become a lot more financially responsible. And she's not just thinking about the current bottle. She's thinking about the one after that. Just checking to see if you were still reading.

Ok. Promised photos. The many faces of Aida, taken today:

1 comment:

  1. That's wonderful. Looking forward to seeing her in July! She'll be 8 months. Time flies!
