Friday, April 29, 2011

Baby tooth alert!

It's breaking through. I felt it with my index finger this morning -- this little white sliver of enamel poking its way through her lower front gum.

I realize now that's probably what I felt yesterday when Aida clamped down to nurse and her grip made me yelp.

"Ouch!" I cried before she loosened and clamped down again. "Ouch!"

Her drooling has reached by-the-bucket proportions. And while I've resisted strapping a bib to her at all times until now, I might soon reconsider. Otherwise, her little chest is soaked and I guess she might develop a rash if I don't.

That's right: a drool rash. Thankfully, that's something we adults don't normally have to think about.

What's in: Yellow elephant bibs!
I imagine that if we did we'd be getting oodles of fashion advice for must-have bib designs.

This season, yellow's hot! And elephants are all the rage!

I guess this means Aida really is going to continue to grow. I keep asking her to stop, to just stay small enough for me to cuddle with and snack on.

She does not listen. She continues to discover new things every day: how to shake a rattle like a pro, the best way to gnaw on one's toes, how to cry when the big people remove a toy or a spoon or a blanket from one's grip.

Last week, she started raising her booty high in the air when she's on her belly and up on her arms. And she's grunting more. Like her best effort isn't enough for her. She's shooting higher.
We started Aida on rice cereal once a day a few weeks ago, but we were thinking of it as eating practice. With the advent of The First Tooth, perhaps we should starting taking this whole "eating solids" thing a little more seriously.

1 comment:

  1. Cute. But go for bibs. We own 50. No lie. Aliyah gets raw-skin chafing in her little neck folds if we go too long without a bib.
